Culham Science Village

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Indicative examples of employment space

Following extensive public consultation, the South Oxfordshire Local Plan was adopted in 2020. It sets out the future for development across the district up to 2035. The land at Culham forms part of the strategic allocation STRAT9, which is expected to deliver approximately 3,500 homes, a net increase of at least 7.3 hectares of employment land in combination with the adjacent Culham Science Centre, along with supporting services and facilities.

A planning application has now been submitted for an employment-led, mixed-use development at the No 1 site which lies between Culham Campus and the railway line.

This will fast-track the delivery of high-quality jobs and align with the growth of the adjacent and world-leading Culham Campus,attracting and retaining research-focused tenants benefitting the wider Culham campus and Oxford-Cambridge arc.

The planning application car be viewed at this link

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation for this exciting development. The exhibition boards providing more information about the proposals can still be seen at this this link

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